Friday, March 26, 2010

DNS Problem Brings Great Firewall of China Global

Security experts around the globe are currently trying to unravel a mysterious networking error that saw Web traffic to sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube rerouted to Chinese servers.

CNet reports that on Wednesday, a Chilean DNS admin sent out an email to his counterparts in the rest of the world asking them about a strange problem a local ISP had noticed. The ISP said one of the main DNS root servers, called the I Root Server and operated in Sweden, was directing visitors endeavoring to access up to 30 different sites, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to servers in China. Because people were being redirected to China, they ended up behind the Great Firewall of China.
It's no secret that China has changed DNS routing information to redirect users of censored services to government-run servers instead of sites such as Facebook and Twitter, however, ComputerWorld reports that this is the first public disclosure that those route have leaked outside of China. Citing Danny McPherson, a chief security officer with Arbor Networks, CW reports that the rerouting was probably an accident. McPherson says the ISP that used the bad routes probably misconfigured its BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) system.
"I don't think it was done intentionally," he told ComputerWorld. "This is an example of how easy it is for this information to be contaminated or corrupted or leaked out beyond the boundaries of what it was supposed to be."

Calculate Data Usage Before Signing for ISP

These days we find ISPs offering different packages with some speed and quota limits. But most of the time, we remain in a fix that which package will be best suitable for us.
When i opted for Wateen for the first time, i was kinda in a fix at that time too. So, i opted for maximum quota package. But now, you can actually calculate your usage before signing any contract with ISPs. Thanks to wi-tribe Philippines.
They have a usage calculator where you can actually calculate that how much quota you would be needing before signing for ISP. You just need to slide the bar a little left & a little right to get to your desired quota.
Their queries are genuine and most the time we do all the stuff that has been asked. Activities like “Hours watching YouTube and other web streaming sites per week” & “TV episodes downloaded per week” make most of our web browsing experience in general.
I opted for 10GB package. See how can accurate can it be. When checked, Aamir consumes around 50 GB data a month, that’s huge (too many movies i assume).

Catalyst 10.3/GeForce 197.13 Now WHQL Certified

Waiting for WHQL drivers for your graphics card? Wait no longer; they are here!

On the eve of Nvidia's major GPU launch of the year, owners of current video cards are being treated to new, more optimized software drivers.
Today both Nvidia and ATI released new WHQL drivers for their GPU families. These drivers have been available in non-certified form a short while, but now they've been given the stamp of approval.

Relationship Found Between Facebook and Syphilis

Researcher finds correlation between Facebook use and syphilis infections.

Yesterday the Telegraph published a news story that linked Facebook usage with the rise in syphilis. The report cited Professor Peter Kelly, director of public health in Teesside, UK as finding that syphilis infections, especially in young women, have risen fourfold in the areas of Britain where Facebook is most popular.
The theory is that Facebook is giving a new avenue for promiscuous people to set up encounters. Kelly explained, "Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex."
Much of the internet public lambasted such reports linking Facebook usage and syphilis for not making a clearer distinction between causation and correlation.
Today the Telegraph has published another piece with statements from Facebook, which believes that Professor Kelly's findings may have been misrepresented by the media.
"Today’s reports exaggerate the comments made by the professor, and ignore the difference between correlation and causation," said a spokesman. "Facebook is no more responsible for STD transmission than newspapers are responsible for bad vision."

Toshiba Introduces 750GB and 1TB Laptop HDDs

A lot of people find their laptops don't meet their storage needs and so, have a couple of externals lying around to fulfill their storage needs. Soon, storage fiends can get their hands on a twin-platter 750GB HDD from Toshiba.
Toshiba yesterday announced the world's highest capacity laptop HDD, the MK7559GSXP. The two-platter drive holds 750GB and reaches the same 9.5mm (0.37in) height as most notebook HDDs.
Toshiba also announced the MKxx59GSM line, which offers users the same 750GB HDD, as well as 1TB option, but both are three-platter, 12.5mm (0.49in) drives.
All of the drives operate at 5,400 RPM and Electronista reports they're due to start sampling for system builders in April. They should enter mass production soon afterwords.