Sunday, July 25, 2010

Droid X Owners Consuming 5x as Much Data

What are you Droid X owners doing with your phones?

Verizon is rumored to be moving away from unlimited data plans and towards a tiered system, and with more and more customers purchasing smartphones, it's easy to see why.
The advent of smartphones for the masses has meant a significant number of people who previously wouldn't have required a data plan at all, are guzzling MBs thanks to data-intensive applications on their phones. Last month, Verizon's John Killian said things were expected to get even worse for wireless networks as new phones designed for 4G networks incorporate even more data-intensive apps, like video downloads.

Xbox 360 Profit Covered KIN's Failure

Microsoft lost at least $240 million on the Kin blunder.

Two weeks ago we reported that Microsoft sold 503 KIN (One and Two) messaging phones in less than two months before the company pulled the plug. Other reports indicated that the final number was less than 10,000, however consumers will likely not ever know the real figures, possibly to prevent further embarrassment on Microsoft's behalf.