Thursday, May 20, 2010

London to Turn 'Every Lamppost' into WiFi Hotspot

London's mayor, Boris Johnson, has said that plans to blanket the city in WiFi by 2012 will involve putting a WiFi router or repeater in every lamppost and bus stop in England's capital.

Over the years, we've heard several plans to turn towns or cities in giant WiFi hotspots and each time, we've become suitably excited. Imagine never having to fight for a power outlet and make a $3 cup of coffee last three hours while you finish that assignment; you could work from a bench at the park instead! Unfortunately, plans for citywide WiFi in San Francisco didn't quite work out and Philadelphia's city WiFi was shut off because the operator, EarthLink, deemed it too costly to continue. The history of citywide WiFi is a depressing one, so we're skeptical of anyone who says they're going to employ municipal WiFi.

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