Monday, March 11, 2013

Nokia staff in Chennai factory in India gets 200% wage hike

Nokia has decided to give its workers at the Chennai factory in India a raise, with some of the workers to get as much as 200% higher paychecks.
According to a report by the Economic Times, Nokia sees the factory as a key part in its comeback plans and has entered into a wage pact. As a result as many as a 3000 of the 9000 employees will see their wages jump from Rs. 7,000 ($129) to Rs 21,000 ($386) a month.
The rest of the staff will see significant pay increases as well. Furthermore, the Finns have set up a death relief fund, totaling to Rs. 500,000 ($9212). Its purpose is to go to the families of workers, who have died of natural causes.
Here’s what a Nokia spokesman said to ET
As policy, we do not share specific details of wage agreements between Nokia and its employees. That said, we would like to confirm that Nokia India Private Ltd and Nokia India Employees Union, an independent union with no affiliation to central trade union, have entered into a long-term wage settlement that was signed recently in the presence of assistant labour commissioner Dharmaseelan. A Soundararajan, MLA and president and consultant to our trade union, represented the employees union.

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